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Both fail UFC drug test

Discussion in 'Sports' started by xxxJakkxxx, Feb 4, 2015.

  1. I'm not a big fan of the UFC and have only watched a little bit of MMA but I thought that this was very interesting.

    I don't think that Diaz popping hot for marijuana should be as big of a deal, which the article mentions that it's a lesser offense, but they did both violate the policy by doing some sort of drug that was against the rules.

    I wonder how this will play out. Especially since Silva has been pushing to have an outright ban on anyone using PEDs from ever fighting again.
  2. DGA

    DGA Moderator

    I think they should do all be able to take roids, uppers, downers, or whatever else, in any sport. If they get caught with a controlled substance, prosecute. Otherwise, let's see some action outside of Congress talking to baseball players and such. My tax money is better wasted elsewhere.

  3. They have USADA doing the drug testing now.
  4. The Diaz test results are quite shady. He passed two tests that were more rigorous and somehow failed this less tough one in between the two. That's why the blowup with the NSAC happened afterward & they looked like tools. Now Anderson, he straight up got popped.