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Days getting longer

Discussion in 'Wenatchee' started by breezebike, Jan 10, 2011.

  1. I'm really starting to notice the difference now. The sun hits our house at 9 AM now instead of 10:00. It's still light at 5:00 PM. By the end of this week the length of each day will be increasing by more than 2 minutes every day and the difference grows more each day. There is light at the end of the tunnel people. :mfclap:

    I took a short ride on Saturday but had to watch for some ice patches.

    The 10-day forecast is finally starting to show some improvement that could be attributed to the change in solar position rather than just weather patterns.
    My wife calls me "Willard"

    We'll be ridding again soon!!! vtr2:
    zx14rr likes this.
  2. Mighty nice today. Rode around the bridge loop on the DR. Saw several other bikes out. I think we're over the hump.

  3. I finally noticed it today. It is a nice change. Can't wait for daylight at 10pm (almost) again!
  4. Famous last words...
  5. were you out about noon, i saw a black DR going over the north end bridge?

    I got out on sunday on my DR for a ride around the loop my self, it was frikin awsome. makes you realize what you have been missin.:mfclap:
  6. Not sure of the time but my DR is black and yellow. I have a black Clark tank. It feels so good to get the grips in my hands again.

    PS Is that an aviation GPS?

  7. Nope, its just a E-trex Legend c from Garmin.

    and yes, i was realy doing 222 mph, these DR 650 are fast !:scared