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Deferred or Probation Lifespan

Discussion in 'Law Enforcement' started by catobar, Dec 30, 2014.

  1. A motorist with his/her very first deferred traffic ticket has been granted one year probation.

    Does the probation end one year after ; he/she got the ticket, or one year after he/she got the said ticket deferred?

    After that probation time ended, what happened to his/her driving record?

    Do Officers technically still be able to recognize his/her past driving record regarding the said deferred ticket and probation time, after everything has been cleared?

    Just wondering what would be running through your mind when someday in the future you pulled him/her over.... "Oh, once upon a time you had a deferred ticket, now that makes me want to give you a ticket instead of just a warning" :devil:
  2. Rodeojones

    Rodeojones (Washington) City

    I believe the clock starts ticking the date the judge grants you deferment.

    The other questions can be answered in this way. Once the year passes and your ticket drops off, it is as if you never got the ticket. It doesn't exist therefore nothing for the officer to see on your driving abstract.