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First Track Day - 2Fast Track Day at PIR, June 26, 2015 - Who's Going?

Discussion in 'Portland Region' started by tyreal, Jun 25, 2015.

  1. Hey guys and gals,

    I'll be doing my first track day tomorrow at PIR with 2Fast in the novice performance school. I already have a thread about getting started, which was super helpful:

    Curious if anyone else is going. I'd like to meet a few people and possibly "pit" with them (correct track day terminology?)--essentially show me how it's done!

    Hopefully I'll see you there!
  2. Just so you know, track days are usually discussed in the Track Time forum:

    Good luck, I've done dozens of days at PIR, usually with Motocorsa. It's a terrible motorcycle track but hard to beat the convenience for those of us who live here and anything is better than the street!

  3. What about PIR makes it terrible for motorcycles?