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Discussion in 'Eastside' started by G-Spot, May 9, 2005.

  1. The reality is of that we are"eye candy" so use that knowledge and behave in places where you are likely to get ticketed - in town you shouldn't speed or act stupid like slicing and dicing traffic ( yes we've all done it me included ) but the likelihood of getting nailed is always in the urban areas and in those areas of state highways within 15 or 20 miles of the town around here - so, be smarter - speed and have fun in remote places, of which we have plenty of them. Get out of town and enjoy the twisties and the mountains and save the agressive riding for when you can do it without the likelihood of being caught or seen -

    In reality we live in the golden age of motorcycles. There's never been a time when you could get better bikes so easily - if we keep doing what the public sees as threatning and stupid ( which it often is) then we're going to suffer the consequences - the legislators and the feds will begin to bring laws that will limit our rights to own and ride them.

    One thing that I would support is competency testing to own these liter bikes - in Europe it takes it 3000 bucks and years of tests to qualify that you're "ready" to own one - we should consider that here - course it's not going to happen in the land of freedom - but what will happen is that the idiots that ride like goofballs will lose their licenses and the insurance companies will stop writing insurance for these bikes and then the Japanese will stop importing them because nobody can buy and ride them except those of us that can pay cash and don't need to finance them and can either self insure or are willing to pay the outrageous price of covering them - like most things it's that natural law of consequence that will take care of things. Not to mention that you might get killed or kill someone by acting stupid - but that's another subject - we all accept that risk by owning any motorycle - let's just use these lethal weapons reasponsibly

    Enjoy them while you can - mark my work ( and man I'm fuckin old) they will attempt to outlaw them or ban them or limit their power -

    I'm off to pick up new 05 yellow Gixxer at Camp today -

  2. that was mark my word - I'm senile too - LOL

  3. G-Spot

    G-Spot Pint Size Pimpin'

    Yeah....I'm really good at that part...... :oops:
  4. Steve rocks!!!! Its to bad the ban has all ready started..All bikes that are imported can not go faster then 186.5mph. Not that we need to go that fast, its just kinda of cool knowing that we ride bikes that can go that fast.

    bacon: rockets: vtr2: JK
  5. you are not very nice for shooting at Police 1000
  7. jabstar17

    jabstar17 Le Bitch

    Aint funny mr. 1000. I am a goning to be a police officer one day. And maybe I will dance to the YMCA song with Johnny-b!!
  8. really.... if you guys think about it there have been riders doing stupid shit for years! I think the cops are getting nervous around here because we are starting to become ORGANIZED! We are meeting and riding in large groups, something we havent done before this year! they dont like it beacause its harder to single people out when they are in large groups, makes us harder to control! they are going to pick us apart when one at a time, starting with single riders or small groups.........!! Just a thought!
  9. I never thought of it that way but I think you are correct sholessjoe. :shock: we make them nervous.
  10. I think that things are getting tense for everyone like lots of people on this forum, people riding, and our friendly policemen. If there was a legal pill or some thing that would solve this problem things would be great.
  11. Put yourself in a cops shoes.

    He goes to work (eat doughnut), basically goes from call to call either listening to someone bitch about some fight or that their baby's momma ran off with their coke money (eat doughnut). Then they go back and do reports until someone shoots at someone else (eat doughnut), followed by 3 car wrecks where they cite people for no seatbelts (eat doughnut), then go do more reports. Its ass work, so any time they can get some enjoyment out of their day they will take it. As I know quite a few cops (read cops as kids who got beat up alot on the playground so now they carry guns and act like badasses), they like to "catch bad guys" and most consider the law to be very black and white, not as grey as those of us on two wheels may see it. They think they are doing a public service by preventing us from hurting others. In some cases, they are right and we all know that. It sucks that we are singled out, but this is what happened because of a few people being IDIOTS inside the city limits. Get out of the city, the issues dissipate.

  12. G-Spot

    G-Spot Pint Size Pimpin'

  13. Guff

    Guff Forum Admin Staff Member

    Heheh... "legal pill"... it would be truly funny if it wasn't so scary.

  14. This is why I ride solo.
  15. Really Brian, I thought it was because you hated people?

  16. Naaaaa of course not.