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Interesting WA license plate

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Talk' started by beansbaxter, Jun 6, 2005.

  1. cordodor

    cordodor Retired

    political protests on your PT Cruiser. haha.

  2. I dont get it whats offensive about that?
  3. THING OF BEAUTY!!!! Damn I wish I had that on the truck... Stupid little monkeyboy...

  4. KCander

    KCander El Duderino "Old Timer"

    "the message is offensive to good taste and decency"

    jaysus. all i have to say to that is, "F DOL".
  5. spolic

    spolic Ducati Pilot

    F KRY
    F GRG WR
    F EM ALL!!
  6. I like that one ^^ :mrgreen:
  7. That is hilarious! crackup: