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Legs or breasts

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by richardlpalmer, Feb 15, 2010.

  1. richardlpalmer

    richardlpalmer Forum Admin Staff Member

    Last night I was talking to a young, good looking woman.

    She asked me if I liked breasts or legs.

    I told her what I really liked was a shaved snatch.

    Apparently, I'm not welcome back at that KFC anymore...
  2. KevinD

    KevinD Modulator Staff Member

    Y'know what?
    You're really sick...



  3. richardlpalmer

    richardlpalmer Forum Admin Staff Member

    Why thank you!

    Coming from you that really means something to me. :)
  4. galenernest

    galenernest I bathe with candles, flowers, jazz music, and rub

  5. ROFL that's some good stuff....

    And funny enough, I think very very similar thoughts when I go to the TB/KFC up the road from the house... same cute young gal always at the counter and I can't help but wonder if she's finger lickin good! :)
  6. Looking at the OP and thinking to myself, this could be interesting; I'll click.

    Then read that and thouhgt, not what I expected, but very funny...

  7. What good is this thread without pics?
  8. Good stuff :mfclap:
  9. [​IMG]


    Just to help this thread out a little bit.
  10. Gusgus

    Gusgus Thaumaturgist

    BREASTS, I didn't read the thread, which one is winning?:nana
  11. Breasts Big floppy in your face, high pointy, large firm, false all good
  12. You know, KFC is really a rip-off.

    Once you take away the breasts and thighs, all your left with is a smelly box.

  13. Both.... =-). Personally, im a leg and ass man
  14. Skwrl

    Skwrl Ninja Master

    ^now thats tasty.
  15. ^^^^^^^^^ Making me hungry...