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Need ASAP:: Dunlop NTEC 190 Rear!!!

Discussion in 'Portland Region' started by splizaat, May 12, 2010.

  1. I just went to mount this set of takeoffs on my wheels and realized the rear i have is a 200 series.....does anyone have a 190 Ntec Takeoff that I can buy off them? I need one asap since my wheels are already off!

  2. Shoehorn it on there. There are lots of guys that run 200's on a 5 1/2 inch wheel.

  3. I am sure it will fit, I'm just worried how it will handle...I suppose I can mount the 200 for now and see how it runs, but in the meantime I'd really like a 190...I can't imagine how squirley wheelies will be with such a "peaked" tired squeezed onto a little rim hahaha
  4. DGA

    DGA Moderator

    It will turn-in really well. ;-)
  5. Friction Addiction

    Friction Addiction Power Tripping Moderator Deluxe Staff Member

    Sick tip in + excellent contact patch = mo speed :thumbup:
  6. Don't be a poosay. It'll be just fine.:thefinge:
  7. theJrod

    theJrod Racer Extraordinaire

    The 200 Ntech works great on 5.5" wheels.

    Despite what people think, the "pinching" is so incredibly minimal that it barely affects the profile of the tire at all. Think about it - the different between a 6" rim and a 5.5" rim is .... half an inch. Now take an unmounted tire and squeeze the bead ONE QUARTER inch in on each side and watch how the profile changes. Hint: it's imperceptible.
  8. I have a British Mfg DOT NTEC with 2 1/2 days in excellent condition. Good enough to mount back up after my slicks die.
  9. one thing I noticed though is they better be 55's instead of 50's that's when it matters I noticed the drop when I mounted a 50 to my bike last year.
    Less shoulder to play on...

    I was gonna say they fit like a 180-190... you'll be fine...
    Last edited: May 12, 2010
  10. Just put it on Matty you'll like it, plus you'll look like a racer guy with the edges all balled up. people will think your fast.:nana
  11. LOL...i'm gonna try the 200 today and see how it feels...worst case scenario -- I have to find a 190.... ;) Thanks for the advice guys
  12. Dr. E

    Dr. E Theoretical Propagandist

    If you need, I have a 190 that is 90% and would be willing to trade for the 200.
  13. This 200 TURNS AWESOME! But now I've got no power, and I think there's only about 500 miles left on this tire anyhow.

    Still on the lookout for a 190 NTEC REAR Takeoff for the next couple weeks if anyone has one they want to sell.
  14. check out the barf site... I've seen peeps selling them all the time... in quantity