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Pictures from May 30 Ride in Spokane

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Talk' started by beansbaxter, Jun 2, 2005.

  1. May 30th Ride:

    Beerbohm and I arrive first:



    Skier one bad machine:



    On Mount Spokane:

    Met up with this GSXR on the ride:

    Went to Cougar's Gulch and CDA, then to Krispy Kreme in Spokane Valley:

  2. Shwaa

    Shwaa Retired

    Ummmm, Krispy Kreme :wav:

  3. The Black GSXR is 2rade8 (Rob) the Yellow GSXR is Alstar (Lea). The Red GSXR is Mark.
  4. Ahhh... hit the gulch the other day... windy little bastard! Ask tony about the decreasing radius corners on his new bike.........................
