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Quartzville Rd

Discussion in 'Ride Reports' started by trav87, May 30, 2012.

  1. Had a go at quartzville today
    Had to lighten the last picture since it was getting dark, but there was about 500 feet of snow to get through. Made it with street tires to the top! The other side still has a bit more snow so I turned around and went back down. That was my first time going down that way since I normally ride out to Sisters, or head back down on highway 20 back into Sweethome.
  2. TwistedTimes

    TwistedTimes HondaKilla

    wowzers! needs some spring thawing eh....

  3. Off roading the Zed solo in the snow! :-D I think that certifies ur balls lol

    Looks like we'll be on it a lot sooner than last year. Thanks for the post!!
  4. Sheesh, still snow! Thanks for update.
  5. [​IMG]
    Had another go at it yesterday and...I made it over all the way! The eastern side has lots of debris, so anyone heading over use caution.
  6. [​IMG]

    Made it all the way over last night!! The East side of FS 11 still has tons of debris in the road, but it's manageable and fun still. Road isn't much worse from last year, but a couple of the cracks have gotten bigger on the west side.

    That warm weather last week really took its toll on the snow pack. Got through a month sooner than last year.