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Discussion in 'Portland Region' started by Ayris Vashu, Aug 2, 2009.

  1. Are you lost? ...Recalculate
    Trying to solve the mysteries of the universe? ...Recalculate
    Can't find your way out of a wet paper bag? ...Recalculate

    Is your vehicle currently traversing trees, lakes, rivers, oblivion, anything except the road itself? ....Recalculating.

  2. FYI, GPS units suck balls.
  3. Mine works fine :scratchea
  4. Learn to read a map, it's a skill that is worthwhile. Ever go into a store and watch the counter help wait for the register to tell them how much change to give? Ever read a post on this forum with all the words misspelled even though there is software to tell you whats wrong? We rely on machines to tell us too much these days.
  5. +1 i agree.
    and i don't own a GPS unit nor will I ever.
  6. I just had a conversation with a friend about why I have an aversion to using any sort of technological device in lieu of traditional skill in the area, from GPS units to laser sights....when it fails to work properly, how screwed will YOU be?
  7. crackup: garmim nuvi 200 got completely messed up near windy ridge. and it wouldnt put us back on track. when I left beaverton I reset everything and it SEEMS to be working fine half the time, the other half it says I'm passing through water, trees, mountains, etc.... and that I'm usually about 400ft - 1 mile off my course crackup: crackup: crackup:
  8. i was FAR more entertained by the fact that no one understood what i was talking about and every single reply had no understanding of the original post. but go ahead, explain the inside joke, ruin my fun :evil4:crackup:crackup:
    i told you i was gonna post!

    i dont think ive laughed that hard that much in a long time, fun day.
  9. LOL yeh well. I thought I'd ruin your fun while I can :p besides, you didnt mention that my suv can do 160 mph in a 20mph turn LOL.

    guess I cant say much. but just remember, when in doubt... RECALCULATING! bwahahahahaa crackup: :mfclap: :nana :thefinge: crackup: