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"Wednesday Night at the Strip" -- July, 16th

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Talk' started by Jafar, Jul 4, 2005.

  1. Jafar

    Jafar Retired Admin

    4-10pm, i think. Bikini contest, food, music, etc... $500 for the winner of the bikini contest, Jezterr, you should enter!!! :bonk

    I'm head out to Pacific Raceways next wednesday to check it out and do a few laps. Anyone else going?

    there is a pop-up add for it when you go to>
  2. I've been meaning to get down to one of these. Unfortunately I doubt I will make it to the one on the 13th as I will have just arrived home from the long trip. My girlfriend would likely be quite displeased if I took off for more biking activities. I will be busy :mrgreen:

  3. TYBR6

    TYBR6 Guest

    hmmmmm, bikini contest eh :twisted:
  4. Jafar

    Jafar Retired Admin

    yeah, hopefully they don't do it next to the track, might cause some accidents. but yeah, winner gets $500...

    maybe i'll go by and get a bikini wax and see about that $500. eat your heart out Jezterr!!!

  5. jezterr

    jezterr Retired Admin

    ... no one can beat me and my thong bikini...
  6. [​IMG]
  7. jezterr

    jezterr Retired Admin

    what's with the smiley face??
  8. Ouch! I was like ooooh then was like oh.
  9. there is an unedited version of that somewhere....
  10. Jafar

    Jafar Retired Admin

    looks like someone was trying to get your rear huggers off.